Tetherball Rules & Eagle Project History


The goal of tetherball is to hit a ball attached to a vertical pole in such a way that the opposing player cannot return it.

Number of Players:

Tetherball is typically played with two players, but you can have more players take turns if you have a larger group.


  1. Decide who will serve first. This can be done by a simple coin toss or another fair method.
  2. The player who is serving hits the ball with their hand or fist, trying to hit it in one direction around the pole.
  3. The opposing player attempts to hit the ball in the opposite direction, aiming to wrap the ball around the pole in their direction.
  4. Players take turns hitting the ball, alternating directions with each hit.
  5. The game continues until one player successfully wraps the ball completely around the pole in their direction, making their opponent unable to return it.


  1. Players must hit the ball with an open hand or closed fist – no other body parts are allowed.
  2. The ball must be hit in the direction that the player wants it to go around the pole.
  3. Players can move around the pole but cannot step inside a predetermined boundary around the pole.
  4. If the ball touches the pole during play, it is considered a fault, and the other player gets a point.
  5. The game is typically played until a certain number of points are reached, or a predetermined time limit is reached.


The player who successfully wraps the ball around the pole in their direction and prevents the opponent from returning it wins the game.

Enjoy playing tetherball!

Project History

This is Thomas Oresto’s Eagle Scout Project. Thomas belongs to Troop 3, located in Monroe TWP, NJ. The project occurred on 02/19/2024 and helpers/workers were organized to make the pole and plaque happen. All pictures can be found here. The before and after pictures are below.