Sea Base 2024

This summer, our troop decided to go to Sea Base, one of the four national high adventures that BSA offers. This camp is located in the Florida Keys, and our scouts had great experiences they would never have the opportunity to do any where’s else. The first day there after arrival, we want to an educational coral nursery where crew mates educated us on coral. Later in the day we want on a trip to explore Key West. The following day we went snorkeling and saw lots of neat sea creatures including sharks. Later in the evening we worked on building our ROV, which is a robot made of PVC, motors, and noodles. We have a race on our last night. The next day we went fishing for almost the entire day. For some scouts this was their first time fishing. We caught all sorts of fish such as Barracuda, tuna, mahi-mahi, snappers, etc. We even hooked a shark twice but lost em’. We think it was a nurse shark. Later that night we worked on our ROVs again. Pretty much or final opportunity to work on them. The next day we explored Munson island, and I think all the scouts would agree some great memories were made there. Later we went night norkeling. On the final day we went snorkeling again for most of the day, and then, the moment we were all waiting for (well, just some of us), the ROV race! I couldn’t really tell you who one, because all of them sank anyway.