Day: June 8, 2023

  • Spring Court of Honor 2024

    This event is an important event held annually to recognize scouts and their achievements such as rank, merit badges, and separate awards. Congratulations to Krish V. and Peter P. for receiving the Allen Award! Congratulations to John C. for receiving the Austin Award! Congratulations to Adit D. for receiving the Zuniga Award!

    Read More: Spring Court of Honor 2024
  • OA Spring Service Weekend 2024

    Congratulations to Aarush A, Aarush B, Armaan G, Ojas K, Aarush M, Anish N, Aatish S, Harsha V, and Nirav S. for going through their Order of the Arrow ordeal!

    Read More: OA Spring Service Weekend 2024
  • Memorial Parade and Flags 2024

    We marched in the Memorial Day Parade at Clearbrook. After the parade we went to the Washington Cemetery to replace flags and medallions of our Jewish War Veterans (our charter)

    Read More: Memorial Parade and Flags 2024
  • Iron Chef Competition 2024

    The Iron Chef comptetion is an anually competition held towards the end of the scouting year. This event is designed to bring out some of the best possible cooking skills you’ve ever seen a patrol demonstrate. This year the patrols were given: Lamb (about 3/4 lb), Red Pepper, Onion, Garlic, Quinoa, Chick Peas (1 can).…

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  • Iron Chef Competition 2024 – Pictures

    Read More: Iron Chef Competition 2024 – Pictures
  • Snuffy Hollow Camporee 2024

    At Snuffy Hollow, Scouts competed in a competition which tests the skills a scout must know. Scouts had to complete different stations such as First Aid, Communications, Fire Building, and more. Patrols had to go on a 5-mile hike and answer questions regarding the trail. Troops were also graded on the campsite. Luckily, our troop…

    Read More: Snuffy Hollow Camporee 2024
  • Snuffy Hollow Camporee 2024 – Pictures

    Read More: Snuffy Hollow Camporee 2024 – Pictures
  • Plainsboro Preserve Hike 2024

    During the Plainsboro Preserve Hike, scouts practiced different skills needed to succeed at Snuffy Hollow Camporee. Scouts learned how to identify a tree based on its features, how to find the height and circumference of a tree, pacing, and more! Many of us gathered sticks for the pioneering station at snuffy. If this hike didn’t…

    Read More: Plainsboro Preserve Hike 2024
  • Camp Winnebago 2024

    At Camp Winnebago, scouts enjoyed ziplining, cooking, and playing sports against other troops at the Trading Post. On Saturday Night, scouts made smores and sat by the fire. Additionally, scouts attempted a tree-top ziplining course. Some of us also earned our Totin’ Chip.

    Read More: Camp Winnebago 2024
  • Winnebago 2024 – Pictures

    Read More: Winnebago 2024 – Pictures